Wednesday, September 9, 2009

It's All Coming Back To Me Now.

Wow! What a totally phenomenal show we had at CHASER tonight! My spirits are up tonight and I feel confident the show I think is finally getting on the right footing with where I want to go, yes it definitely needs alot more work but I really feel everyone gave it their best tonight, and thats all that really matters. As an artist you can't really ask for anything more than earnest, honest to goodness performances. Tonight's show really made me feel good, although it was intimate, it was the show that was honestly the feel good show!
MuthaChucka did such a great job of hosting! I know she had some sort of doubt as to hosting a show about songs that make someone cry, but I had such a good time! Kitty Von Quim did a great job , so did Downey and Miss Rahni. I was so proud of Danyol for actually doing that song again! All that really mattered was a stage. I feel that the EndUp's stage has so much potential and maybe in the next year or so, I will invest in some lighting and maybe turn it into more of a production, I feel that the performers need a little extra touch more of magic. But thats down the line! It's still a work in progress...
My day started out really stressful, after my MACbook Pro finally went on the fritz and cracked out on me, I found out today that I had to buy a new one :'( BUT the good news is that I can recover alot of the information that was in the hard drive. It's so weird because my whole life was on that computer, I did all my fliers, all the Chaser themes, the guestlist, everything was on that fucking thing, and maybe this will teach me a lesson.
I was so happy with the new friends that I met on the set of "Trauma" some of them even came out tonight to check out the show! I know they're all super busy but it definitely meant alot to me that they did stop by even if it was brief.
I am so proud of the my little show, it's not much, but its definitely something I am happy about. No matter how stressed out I get over the small things. I feel that things are turning around. I am happy that the Trans community keep coming every tuesday, and they do really enjoy the show, and they are thankful to have tuesday nights again! YAY! It's so challenging to get people out on a tuesday, I hope more and more people come and check out our fantastic show. The EndUp staff is really great and my liquor sponsors are the most amazing people, I love working with them, my favorite is of course RedBull, it keeps me cracked out, and happy!
Tonight I wanted to do "ColorBlind" from Counting Crows, but I wanted to keep it light and happy so I did Celine!
But this is the song I was aiming to do.


1 comment:

reddiva dana said...

way to go, baby! i'm so proud you persevered. i had the honor of spending the 10 days before the last one with Danyol....watching him plan, prepare & practice a difficult & heartwrenching piece. i'm proud of how he vamped thru the mishaps the first time & then got up there again. that was the true professionalism you talk about [and demonstrate]
yeah...your performers deserve [as do you] a little more professional stagecraft. i am a Royal Academy trained & well apprenticed "black shirt" stage tech in almost all areas. i'd love to don that black shirt again!!!! talk to me honey!