Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I believe in You.

4am again. In and out passing through passing here, passing there. I had a very interesting day today. I'm a little bit excited for tonight's Kylie Night at CHASER. Then off to the next show which is our FOLSOM show. I guess I have to solve the problem of not having a computer by actually hand doing the fliers, I mean it would be terrible not to have actual fliers for two of my biggest shows of the year. I am considering changing the theme of my birthday show, to do GoldFrapp rather than the Blade Runner. I just feel at this point in time, as much as I would love to do something big and grand like Blade Runner, not alot of people will get it, and I would rather have a packed house for my birthday than something minimal like Blade Runner which would have to be some sort of major production with tons of characters, actual lighting and some fierce videos. Next year, it will have to happen sometime! So far I've paid tribute to alot of my favorite artists, we've had stunning performances from some of my favorite queens, in the coming months CHASER is going to do a flip turn and try and do things that are a little off the cuff and maybe a little more conceptual Like the Julia Child Tribute night, and "HUNG" with two of lovely drag king friends Jay Walker and Delicio Del Toro! I am also super excited to reunite with Dabecy and Papa Tony of the Electronic Music Bears to do our Halloween Spooktacular which will be co-hosted by my favorite retarded whore... "DOWNEY"! So I guess we have alot of great shows coming up and our attendance is picking up more and more by the week, hopefully they keep coming back!
Folsom Street Fair is in a couple of weeks I am a little excited and a little frightened, I have so many looks to pull together, Thursday is the formal dinner, Saturday is the SS Trannyshack Boat Cruise and Magnitude, and of course if I haven't reminded you yet, I am co-hosting the 7th Street Stage on Folsom Sunday from 11:30am - 2:30pm, SO i am super excited and a little nerve racked, that is why the week after, I am taking a little break from hostessing duties and letting the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence take over for a night to raise some much needed cash for the Transgender Law Center. It is going to be hosted by Sister Mable Syrup and Sister Viva L'Amour two dear friends of mine, who I really felt needed more. and more. and more. and more. etc. etc.
Hopefully I will have saved up enough energy for the next week (and figure out what I will be doing), this will be my first CHASER birthday, I am a tad terrified but whatever, you've got to march on and do!
Anyway thats it for now. Have a good morning


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