I never really grew up celebrating thanksgiving. For whatever its worth, I am thankful for a lot of things. So I will leave it at that and this song for all of you!
Happy Thanksgiving
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
"Only clowns would play with those balloons
What d'ya wanna look like Barbie for
Dear oh Lord, it's easy..." - Allison Goldfrapp
I am never one to take the easy road, I felt like I've battled so many people. Sometimes I win, alot of times I loose. But alot of the things I took away from the battle is that it has only made me stronger. When all is said and done, I am still standing, the world is still moving, when the dust settles the magik will happen.
The storms are more worth it surviving on a rocky ship, because at least you can say "I've lived through it."
What d'ya wanna look like Barbie for
Dear oh Lord, it's easy..." - Allison Goldfrapp
I am never one to take the easy road, I felt like I've battled so many people. Sometimes I win, alot of times I loose. But alot of the things I took away from the battle is that it has only made me stronger. When all is said and done, I am still standing, the world is still moving, when the dust settles the magik will happen.
The storms are more worth it surviving on a rocky ship, because at least you can say "I've lived through it."
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Somewhere Only We Know.
I walked across an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river and it made me complete"...
4:09 am Tuesday Morning, I feel like I've been here before. The kids are asleep with Stephen in the bed. My hands are covered in Cheetos. The last two weeks have been sort of a thrill ride. Emotions cavalcading into some sort of sick avalanche of the mundane top coated with the sublime. I feel a little overwhelemed with everything, and as much as I love doing it, I loathe myself for doing it.
It's 4:30 am now. I need some rest
good morning
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river and it made me complete"...
4:09 am Tuesday Morning, I feel like I've been here before. The kids are asleep with Stephen in the bed. My hands are covered in Cheetos. The last two weeks have been sort of a thrill ride. Emotions cavalcading into some sort of sick avalanche of the mundane top coated with the sublime. I feel a little overwhelemed with everything, and as much as I love doing it, I loathe myself for doing it.
It's 4:30 am now. I need some rest
good morning
Monday, November 2, 2009
Take Me Home.
Attempting to go back to Guam has been one of those crazy things I've definitely been putting off for a while. The legal age of drinking is 18, so naturally we all had fake IDs by 14 and have been in blackouts since. For all its beauty, the island is terribly small, and everyone knows everyone, or even worse, they are somehow related to you. I never know what to make of it. I was always the trouble maker, landing myself in crazy situations that I suppose could've been avoided, but my youthful "exuberance" proved otherwise. Going home means alot of mixed emotions for me. It means I have to deal with the reality of the past I do not like to look back on, maybe it's just human condition that we don't like facing what we left. I was the typhoon that no one expected. But how beautiful would it be. In retrospect I feel like I did grow up in paradise. I was spoiled rotten, my back yard was the beach, and I had every luxury. But back then, all I wanted was to leave the damn place, and now ten years later, I think I am primed for a return. I do want to see my grandmother and visit my grandfathers mausoleum and my uncles, and Tommy's. Who would've thought that they would all be buried within proximity of each other...
I remember vividly how beautiful the sunsets and sunrises were. How orange purple and pink all fought and came together to form this beautiful visual. I want to swim in the turqouise green waters I so fondly. Who knows maybe I might get to swim there again.
I remember vividly how beautiful the sunsets and sunrises were. How orange purple and pink all fought and came together to form this beautiful visual. I want to swim in the turqouise green waters I so fondly. Who knows maybe I might get to swim there again.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Don't Rain On My Parade.
This blog is dedicated to my Stephen. The man I wake up to every morning, and the man that holds me when I go to bed. The first thing I wan't to see in the morning, and the man I kiss before I go to bed. I love my Stephen, more than anything. I have slowly come to realize this. He stands by me, so much, through every pitfall through every single nuance that is my life. He is not in the scene, and pretty much doesn't go out, which is what I like. Sometimes (like today) I ask myself why, but then I wake up and realize what a blessed person I am to have him in my life. I am grateful. He makes me a better person. He makes me stronger, and with the love we share. I couldn't be anymore thankful in the world
Friday, October 16, 2009
Date With A Night.
Do you ever just find yourself at 4am smoking the last Marlboro Ultra Lights 100, sipping on bourbon and watching your kitties sleep? Okay maybe not, that is just me right now. It's 4:06am and as usual I can never just lay down and go to bed. Maybe I have too many things in my mind right now to just lay down. I am serious insomniac, I guess it was alot more fun when I was in my teens and early twenties, stay out all night, party hard, you know that kind of shit. But since turning 26 and realizing that I actually have to step into my adulthood I find so many things much more difficult. I feel a little bit more responsible. Like not flaking on things I commit to and not being as demanding of myself, even a little more forgiving! It was so easy for me to cause the kind of mayhem I did in my early twenties, I needed that constant validation and now I find myself less and less attached to that kind of adulation. I do things now, because it is what I want to do, and not because I'm doing it for something in return. I've stopped expecting so much of every situation and just take it for what it is. I'm learning to jump more, and take risks, I feel that I have lost alot already, and what else is there for me to loose, it's just impetus for me to work harder on things I want to achieve.
I went to go watch "Where The Wild Things Are" tonight with Stephen. It was such an emotionfest for me, it brought back so many feelings of me as a kid, trying to capture something but realizing that maybe the reality is just bad, and finding ways to escape. Like Max, I found alot of ways to escape my reality. Growing up by yourself however spoiled is not an easy thing. But again, its one of those things I've learned to let go.
I feel blessed and grateful to be surrounded by a community of artists, who continually create, and thrive on creativity and pushing themselves to perfection. I feel that it is always good to move things forward, and never look back on what is missing, and what is not there, rather fill that void, and create the niche. Theres so many wonderful things to be grateful for, and rather than be spiteful about what I don't have, now more than ever, I am looking at things from a different angle.
I went to go watch "Where The Wild Things Are" tonight with Stephen. It was such an emotionfest for me, it brought back so many feelings of me as a kid, trying to capture something but realizing that maybe the reality is just bad, and finding ways to escape. Like Max, I found alot of ways to escape my reality. Growing up by yourself however spoiled is not an easy thing. But again, its one of those things I've learned to let go.
I feel blessed and grateful to be surrounded by a community of artists, who continually create, and thrive on creativity and pushing themselves to perfection. I feel that it is always good to move things forward, and never look back on what is missing, and what is not there, rather fill that void, and create the niche. Theres so many wonderful things to be grateful for, and rather than be spiteful about what I don't have, now more than ever, I am looking at things from a different angle.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
We Should Be Home By Now!
Sometimes a lady just has to learn. When you have nothing else to loose, you willing to fight for everything tooth and nail. There are certain things I hold true to myself now more than ever. Love, passion, glamour, sacrifice. I surround myself with people who hold these truths. They are always consistently striving for perfection through imperfection in whatever they do, and as such is somewhat a reflection of who I really am. It is not whether I draw from experiences my strengths, but a realization of growth, and that beauty is not what is always in the surface, but deeper and more meaningful. I find beauty in flaw because for me, flaws are what makes us human.
The truth of the matter is, I don't get political, that is not my style. Infact I've spent the last five years not trying to get political. I have opinions on matters, but I feel that my time is better spent doing, rather than acting. Don't get me wrong, I get really upset whenever I hear that some sort of gay rights thing is being abused, or gay bashing is happening, but I've spent my life fighting people like that through actions, be myself and enjoy my life. I can't spend my life going on and on and on about Gay Rights. I can't change the way people think, so I'll just live my life and my own business.
I am however a fighter, and I always fight for people and things I believe in, and I will fight to the death for my family, my husband and the kitties. It's kind of retarded growing up an only child. I always spent alot of running away. I've never really had that kind of family. But now I do, I've created me own, and I'm in a much better, and happier place than I've ever really been in a really long time!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Journey To The Center Of My Heart.
Love. Actually.
I've felt really lost alot these days, have had more anxiety attacks than normal. Hopefully writing will exorcise some sort of demon that I seem to be holding on to. For whatever reason maybe I feel just a little trapped. At 26 I feel like still there is more meant for me, maybe I should try not to force it and just let things happen. I tend to want to rush things which a seriously bad habit of mine. I should just count my blessings and be grateful, because I am. Sometimes I would love to just leave my body and get out of my skin for moments, it seems impossible though and only some sort of wish. GAHHH. Why am I airing out my dirty laundry to the public. I'm feeling the pang of wanderlust again, like I feel like I should take to the open road and not worry about anything. Who knows right?
That's all I really have to say for now
have a good night. or morning or whatever!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
"All those moments, will be lost in time, like tears in the rain..."
One of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite all time movies, BLADERUNNER...
Sometimes I totally wish I was a robot. The lines uttered from Rutger Hauers lips in his death scene speaks so much volumes. The scene itself is pretty epic, his icy blue eyes covered in blood being washed off with the dripping rain (although I didn't think androids bleed). I am a nerd, a big one at that, and yes I love Bladerunner, the Sci-Fi epic set in like 2001 Los Angeles, a bunch of rebel androids running around, and of course Rachel and Pris. I don't know which one I like more, Rachel or Pris. I think I am more of a Rachel.
I slept all day today, not unlike the replicants of bladerunner I felt cold and unemotional. I spent the whole day in bed dreaming of possibilities, wandering off into some estranged horizon where everything veers into some crazy incapacitated and prolonged vision of beauty. Shadows through the light, peonies through cracks in the wall. Somehow I wanted to stay in that insouciant place, cold and untouchable, where fear doesnt pervade any emotion but just and nothing lingers more than fleeting glances of uncovered dreams.
I dreamt of passageways covered with jasmine and plumerias leading nowhere and everywhere, nothing and everything black and white, submission and domination.
This tuesday at CHASER is our tribute to the ladies of Electro. Electro-Pop has been such a big influence on my life over the past 5 years, and I think its quite apropos for Leatherweek since Electronic music is such a huge part of the SOMA/leather scene. Also, we have the distinct honor of being included as an official event listed this year! I am so proud of the girls though, alot of them are really turning the town on its bedecked heel churning out amazing performances, sometimes 4 or 5 times a week! It's such a great time to be in San Francisco to live the dream. Sometimes I do feel the challenge of churning out a show week after week but I think Chaser is more a testament. I did recieve a really nasty letter from a patron berating me about every small detail, and I can't really respond, part me just wants to grab him from his computer and gouge his eyes out, but really I can't respond. I can't help that drinks are expensive, I can't help if the trannys that do go are not interested in you, it's really not MY issue if they find you unattractive. I'm not divas, we don't have "working girls" who come in. We have respectable ladies who like a good time, and wonderful queens who put on a good show. The drinks being so expensive is out of my control. I don't take those kinds of things seriously enough, BUT in all actually, I have decided to finally FINALLY lower the cover charge to $5 which means there won't be any more guestlists at all, free or whatever, $5 bucks in a recession IS NOT ALOT to ask for is it? I'm not attempting to do anything grand at all, CHASER is what it is, its simply a drag show. I mean what was I expected to do shit out a diamond! I do however think that the girls really give everyone a show the numbers are heartfelt, earnest and honest, they are giving you everything they can on that stage, and that to me means alot more than anything really.
So thats all of my ranting for now, I hope you follow! Starting OCTOBER 6 cover charge is officially $5 come by and enjoy the show love!
Sometimes I totally wish I was a robot. The lines uttered from Rutger Hauers lips in his death scene speaks so much volumes. The scene itself is pretty epic, his icy blue eyes covered in blood being washed off with the dripping rain (although I didn't think androids bleed). I am a nerd, a big one at that, and yes I love Bladerunner, the Sci-Fi epic set in like 2001 Los Angeles, a bunch of rebel androids running around, and of course Rachel and Pris. I don't know which one I like more, Rachel or Pris. I think I am more of a Rachel.
I slept all day today, not unlike the replicants of bladerunner I felt cold and unemotional. I spent the whole day in bed dreaming of possibilities, wandering off into some estranged horizon where everything veers into some crazy incapacitated and prolonged vision of beauty. Shadows through the light, peonies through cracks in the wall. Somehow I wanted to stay in that insouciant place, cold and untouchable, where fear doesnt pervade any emotion but just and nothing lingers more than fleeting glances of uncovered dreams.
I dreamt of passageways covered with jasmine and plumerias leading nowhere and everywhere, nothing and everything black and white, submission and domination.
This tuesday at CHASER is our tribute to the ladies of Electro. Electro-Pop has been such a big influence on my life over the past 5 years, and I think its quite apropos for Leatherweek since Electronic music is such a huge part of the SOMA/leather scene. Also, we have the distinct honor of being included as an official event listed this year! I am so proud of the girls though, alot of them are really turning the town on its bedecked heel churning out amazing performances, sometimes 4 or 5 times a week! It's such a great time to be in San Francisco to live the dream. Sometimes I do feel the challenge of churning out a show week after week but I think Chaser is more a testament. I did recieve a really nasty letter from a patron berating me about every small detail, and I can't really respond, part me just wants to grab him from his computer and gouge his eyes out, but really I can't respond. I can't help that drinks are expensive, I can't help if the trannys that do go are not interested in you, it's really not MY issue if they find you unattractive. I'm not divas, we don't have "working girls" who come in. We have respectable ladies who like a good time, and wonderful queens who put on a good show. The drinks being so expensive is out of my control. I don't take those kinds of things seriously enough, BUT in all actually, I have decided to finally FINALLY lower the cover charge to $5 which means there won't be any more guestlists at all, free or whatever, $5 bucks in a recession IS NOT ALOT to ask for is it? I'm not attempting to do anything grand at all, CHASER is what it is, its simply a drag show. I mean what was I expected to do shit out a diamond! I do however think that the girls really give everyone a show the numbers are heartfelt, earnest and honest, they are giving you everything they can on that stage, and that to me means alot more than anything really.
So thats all of my ranting for now, I hope you follow! Starting OCTOBER 6 cover charge is officially $5 come by and enjoy the show love!
Drag Shows,
Folsom Street Fair,
San Francisco,
The Endup
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I believe in You.
4am again. In and out passing through passing here, passing there. I had a very interesting day today. I'm a little bit excited for tonight's Kylie Night at CHASER. Then off to the next show which is our FOLSOM show. I guess I have to solve the problem of not having a computer by actually hand doing the fliers, I mean it would be terrible not to have actual fliers for two of my biggest shows of the year. I am considering changing the theme of my birthday show, to do GoldFrapp rather than the Blade Runner. I just feel at this point in time, as much as I would love to do something big and grand like Blade Runner, not alot of people will get it, and I would rather have a packed house for my birthday than something minimal like Blade Runner which would have to be some sort of major production with tons of characters, actual lighting and some fierce videos. Next year, it will have to happen sometime! So far I've paid tribute to alot of my favorite artists, we've had stunning performances from some of my favorite queens, in the coming months CHASER is going to do a flip turn and try and do things that are a little off the cuff and maybe a little more conceptual Like the Julia Child Tribute night, and "HUNG" with two of lovely drag king friends Jay Walker and Delicio Del Toro! I am also super excited to reunite with Dabecy and Papa Tony of the Electronic Music Bears to do our Halloween Spooktacular which will be co-hosted by my favorite retarded whore... "DOWNEY"! So I guess we have alot of great shows coming up and our attendance is picking up more and more by the week, hopefully they keep coming back!
Folsom Street Fair is in a couple of weeks I am a little excited and a little frightened, I have so many looks to pull together, Thursday is the formal dinner, Saturday is the SS Trannyshack Boat Cruise and Magnitude, and of course if I haven't reminded you yet, I am co-hosting the 7th Street Stage on Folsom Sunday from 11:30am - 2:30pm, SO i am super excited and a little nerve racked, that is why the week after, I am taking a little break from hostessing duties and letting the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence take over for a night to raise some much needed cash for the Transgender Law Center. It is going to be hosted by Sister Mable Syrup and Sister Viva L'Amour two dear friends of mine, who I really felt needed more. and more. and more. and more. etc. etc.
Hopefully I will have saved up enough energy for the next week (and figure out what I will be doing), this will be my first CHASER birthday, I am a tad terrified but whatever, you've got to march on and do!
Anyway thats it for now. Have a good morning
Folsom Street Fair is in a couple of weeks I am a little excited and a little frightened, I have so many looks to pull together, Thursday is the formal dinner, Saturday is the SS Trannyshack Boat Cruise and Magnitude, and of course if I haven't reminded you yet, I am co-hosting the 7th Street Stage on Folsom Sunday from 11:30am - 2:30pm, SO i am super excited and a little nerve racked, that is why the week after, I am taking a little break from hostessing duties and letting the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence take over for a night to raise some much needed cash for the Transgender Law Center. It is going to be hosted by Sister Mable Syrup and Sister Viva L'Amour two dear friends of mine, who I really felt needed more. and more. and more. and more. etc. etc.
Hopefully I will have saved up enough energy for the next week (and figure out what I will be doing), this will be my first CHASER birthday, I am a tad terrified but whatever, you've got to march on and do!
Anyway thats it for now. Have a good morning
Monday, September 14, 2009
I dreamed the dream in Times Gone By.
Just like the song from the musical tragique that is Les Miz. I dream of producing the ULTIMATE drag show. All kinds of drag, new school, old school and middle school, a bunch of amazing talent and one big stage in the middle of the courtyard of Civic Center. Yes it is 4:30am, yes I am tipsy. But somehow this will happen! IT almost happened this past June. I want this thing to be sort of dragxtravaganza, a unifying force to put all differences aside for one night, on one stage and to just PERFORM! It sounds a little like Wigstock, but mostly its due to the fact that it is somewhat a protest, people in SF do like protests. They will protest almost anything, and if I attach a cause to it, like let say HIV/AIDS, maybe it will work! Who knows, it is something I want to do, and hopefully in the future it does come. The is so much great talent here and I might as well strike while the iron is hot.
Anyway, birthday news. nothing? really? nothing. Although I wish I could be more realistic and say that I stopped caring, I really do care. Maybe 26 is the magic number, I am feeling a little more stable this year and hence less of a need to put up some sort of incredulous pretention that I am some sort of Goddess sent down from the heavens. Quite frankly, I often ask myself in the mirror... WHO CARES! I've honestly scrapped the whole Blade Runner idea, it seems too good to be true, and you know how much I love robots, maybe its not time yet, maybe now is the time to honestly establish the show first, then see what happens. But now with CHASER being in its 6 month I still feel that alot more groundwork has to be done, alot of things still need to happen before I can go off the wall with the crazy stuff, like maybe getting a new computer so I can actually do some work! It's totes rough when you don't have your own computer. But what can I do right? Anyways IM super sleepy, I need some rest. Hope to see you this tuesday for Kylie Minogue night!
Anyway, birthday news. nothing? really? nothing. Although I wish I could be more realistic and say that I stopped caring, I really do care. Maybe 26 is the magic number, I am feeling a little more stable this year and hence less of a need to put up some sort of incredulous pretention that I am some sort of Goddess sent down from the heavens. Quite frankly, I often ask myself in the mirror... WHO CARES! I've honestly scrapped the whole Blade Runner idea, it seems too good to be true, and you know how much I love robots, maybe its not time yet, maybe now is the time to honestly establish the show first, then see what happens. But now with CHASER being in its 6 month I still feel that alot more groundwork has to be done, alot of things still need to happen before I can go off the wall with the crazy stuff, like maybe getting a new computer so I can actually do some work! It's totes rough when you don't have your own computer. But what can I do right? Anyways IM super sleepy, I need some rest. Hope to see you this tuesday for Kylie Minogue night!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
The September Issue.
I took some fierce Bendaryl in an effort to get some much needed rest. I'm watching Chelsea Lately, and earlier in the evening I went to have date night with Stephen! I was so happy we went to go see this movie, it really made my night. It's simple things like date night that make my appreciate my Stephen so much more. He stands by me, through alot of my insane decisions and I am really thankful for him being in my life.
The September Issue is a documentary based on Vogue Magazines annual September issue. I liked that they focused alot on the tension of creative director Grace Coddington and Anna Wintour. It made for an interesting dynamic. Plus the CLOTHES, so many amazing clothes from Fall 2007. I do have that issue stocked somewhere in the country house and it made me want to go dig it up and read it again. As a fashionista, I was really really into the movie, it was almost as good as the Valentino documentary I watched a couple of months ago.
Another thing I am really excited about is Tom Ford's new movie coming out. I have been a fan of Tom Ford since I was 13, and do collect alot of things he designed for Gucci. His brand of icy night club dark sexiness has really inspired me alot. His stuff reminds me alot of Anne Brancroft in the Graduate meets a Cinecitta oeuvre. This is a clip of his movie.
I guess it was the imagery I grew up looking at as a teenager, the boom, where everyone had money, and was going out. I remember never really eating at home because we were having dinner out every night. That era of Gucci has influenced me alot. It was that dark, slick and sexy coolness that has somewhat shaped me. Black Eyeliner, easy sexy clothes. I had hoped as a teenager that I would someday work for Gucci Group. But alas we all know that the company went crazy right after Tom Ford left. I remember creating some tear sheets up from old Vogues of Gucci ads I would hang in my bedroom.
In other news I am uber hagxcited about this tuesdays Kylie Minogue night @ CHASER. I'm still bummed about not having a computer. I need to do something about it. But what can you do. A lot of the graphics for upcoming CHASERs where there. BOOOOOO. Back to Kylie Minogue, I've been a big fan. I hope you are too. join us. its one of my favorite nights ever!
Kylie Minogue,
The Endup,
The September Issue,
Tom Ford
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
It's All Coming Back To Me Now.
Wow! What a totally phenomenal show we had at CHASER tonight! My spirits are up tonight and I feel confident the show I think is finally getting on the right footing with where I want to go, yes it definitely needs alot more work but I really feel everyone gave it their best tonight, and thats all that really matters. As an artist you can't really ask for anything more than earnest, honest to goodness performances. Tonight's show really made me feel good, although it was intimate, it was the show that was honestly the feel good show!
MuthaChucka did such a great job of hosting! I know she had some sort of doubt as to hosting a show about songs that make someone cry, but I had such a good time! Kitty Von Quim did a great job , so did Downey and Miss Rahni. I was so proud of Danyol for actually doing that song again! All that really mattered was a stage. I feel that the EndUp's stage has so much potential and maybe in the next year or so, I will invest in some lighting and maybe turn it into more of a production, I feel that the performers need a little extra touch more of magic. But thats down the line! It's still a work in progress...
My day started out really stressful, after my MACbook Pro finally went on the fritz and cracked out on me, I found out today that I had to buy a new one :'( BUT the good news is that I can recover alot of the information that was in the hard drive. It's so weird because my whole life was on that computer, I did all my fliers, all the Chaser themes, the guestlist, everything was on that fucking thing, and maybe this will teach me a lesson.
I was so happy with the new friends that I met on the set of "Trauma" some of them even came out tonight to check out the show! I know they're all super busy but it definitely meant alot to me that they did stop by even if it was brief.
I am so proud of the my little show, it's not much, but its definitely something I am happy about. No matter how stressed out I get over the small things. I feel that things are turning around. I am happy that the Trans community keep coming every tuesday, and they do really enjoy the show, and they are thankful to have tuesday nights again! YAY! It's so challenging to get people out on a tuesday, I hope more and more people come and check out our fantastic show. The EndUp staff is really great and my liquor sponsors are the most amazing people, I love working with them, my favorite is of course RedBull, it keeps me cracked out, and happy!
Tonight I wanted to do "ColorBlind" from Counting Crows, but I wanted to keep it light and happy so I did Celine!
But this is the song I was aiming to do.
MuthaChucka did such a great job of hosting! I know she had some sort of doubt as to hosting a show about songs that make someone cry, but I had such a good time! Kitty Von Quim did a great job , so did Downey and Miss Rahni. I was so proud of Danyol for actually doing that song again! All that really mattered was a stage. I feel that the EndUp's stage has so much potential and maybe in the next year or so, I will invest in some lighting and maybe turn it into more of a production, I feel that the performers need a little extra touch more of magic. But thats down the line! It's still a work in progress...
My day started out really stressful, after my MACbook Pro finally went on the fritz and cracked out on me, I found out today that I had to buy a new one :'( BUT the good news is that I can recover alot of the information that was in the hard drive. It's so weird because my whole life was on that computer, I did all my fliers, all the Chaser themes, the guestlist, everything was on that fucking thing, and maybe this will teach me a lesson.
I was so happy with the new friends that I met on the set of "Trauma" some of them even came out tonight to check out the show! I know they're all super busy but it definitely meant alot to me that they did stop by even if it was brief.
I am so proud of the my little show, it's not much, but its definitely something I am happy about. No matter how stressed out I get over the small things. I feel that things are turning around. I am happy that the Trans community keep coming every tuesday, and they do really enjoy the show, and they are thankful to have tuesday nights again! YAY! It's so challenging to get people out on a tuesday, I hope more and more people come and check out our fantastic show. The EndUp staff is really great and my liquor sponsors are the most amazing people, I love working with them, my favorite is of course RedBull, it keeps me cracked out, and happy!
Tonight I wanted to do "ColorBlind" from Counting Crows, but I wanted to keep it light and happy so I did Celine!
But this is the song I was aiming to do.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Goodnight & Go.
As you may have noticed, alot of my blogs are heavily influenced by alternative, indie, pre-emo music of the 90s and early 2000s. Alot of my late childhood was spent in my bedroom jamming to the Cranberries, Greenday and TLC. As a teenager, if I wasn't obsessed with sketching out fashion designs, or watching Gone With the Wind and Sex and the City, I was listening to Frou Frou, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, the Killers and Modest Mouse. In my early 20s if I wasn't out getting high or watching the O.C. or Dynasty reruns on soapnet, I was all about the new wave of electronic pop music that seemed to have been all the rage!
Growing up I always fancied myself to become a Fellini type of movie star, always in sepia tone, saying the right things, jumping in fountains. When I was 15 I went to Italy, and partied on the Via Veneto and Piazza San Marco, it was so beautiful, I felt like I was really living a dream. Although I never really imagined that I would be doing drag in San Francisco. It was a far fetched idea.
I grew up living on an estate around the beach, it was incredibly beautiful. The old house was mediterranean style, and my bedroom had the most amazing view. I used to watch the sunsets. Growing up on an island was such a blessing and a curse. We were always subject to Typhoons (that is what Hurricanes are called on the other side of the Pacific Ocean) and that was bad, luckily we had powerful generators, because sometimes the power would be out for months. Everyone always said Guam had tons of snakes, and I encountered a snake like once or twice. One dead one on the beach, and one dying that got caught trying to crawl up my bedroom window through the bouganvilla vines that covered the walls of the house. There tons of palm trees and coconut trees by the beach and the sand was always white with turqouise blue waters. When it rained during the May and June months, I always opened the windows, I loved the way the Jasmine smelled in the damp wet day. It's always surprising to me when I look back and never really liked the fact that I lived in the middle of nowhere, but in retrospect, it's the most beautiful place in the world and wouldn't trade a damn thing.
The first true love I ever had lived on the compound next to us. You never really forget the first one. I remember the first kiss. A screenwriter couldn't have written it better. The sky was shades of deep purple, pink and orange, kind of melded together and it happened. I was so young. At that age, you think everything is love. But I guess I was in love. I always had a thing of guys with dark hair and piercing eyes, like the eyes that cut you and melt you with one look (even now my Stephen has piercing blue eyes.
There is some part of me that wants to go back, and some part of me that is a little more hesitant about revisiting that. I've been thinking about my childhood alot, I guess it's a total quarterlife crises that I am going through. My birthday is in a couple of weeks, and I'm downright terrified. I always thought I was only going to live till the age of thirty. But it seems it might be longer than that. I've canceled all major plans for a huge birthday bash. Why? You may ask.. it's because I feel like the older I get, the less I have to prove to myself or to anyone. Maybe I'll cook some dinner for some friends who I just want over for a simple nice chat. Nothing too fancy really. I've had tons of fancy birthday parties over the years and if there was a chance to throw a huge birthday party it would've been last year. Who knows. Who cares. I've been such a party person, that maybe a little peace and quiet and maybe something a little more intimate would be best. Besides I already have the best present, a supportive and loving man at my side, two wonderful cats, and a fun party everyweek. Although maybe a nice vacation is in order for me. I was thinking an outdoor dinner, but who has a patio big enough for me to celebrate in. Low key is most definitely the key phrase, and I want to keep it that way, I can have all the other 300 people come to CHASER the tuesday after, if they really wanted to celebrate.
Growing up I always fancied myself to become a Fellini type of movie star, always in sepia tone, saying the right things, jumping in fountains. When I was 15 I went to Italy, and partied on the Via Veneto and Piazza San Marco, it was so beautiful, I felt like I was really living a dream. Although I never really imagined that I would be doing drag in San Francisco. It was a far fetched idea.
I grew up living on an estate around the beach, it was incredibly beautiful. The old house was mediterranean style, and my bedroom had the most amazing view. I used to watch the sunsets. Growing up on an island was such a blessing and a curse. We were always subject to Typhoons (that is what Hurricanes are called on the other side of the Pacific Ocean) and that was bad, luckily we had powerful generators, because sometimes the power would be out for months. Everyone always said Guam had tons of snakes, and I encountered a snake like once or twice. One dead one on the beach, and one dying that got caught trying to crawl up my bedroom window through the bouganvilla vines that covered the walls of the house. There tons of palm trees and coconut trees by the beach and the sand was always white with turqouise blue waters. When it rained during the May and June months, I always opened the windows, I loved the way the Jasmine smelled in the damp wet day. It's always surprising to me when I look back and never really liked the fact that I lived in the middle of nowhere, but in retrospect, it's the most beautiful place in the world and wouldn't trade a damn thing.
The first true love I ever had lived on the compound next to us. You never really forget the first one. I remember the first kiss. A screenwriter couldn't have written it better. The sky was shades of deep purple, pink and orange, kind of melded together and it happened. I was so young. At that age, you think everything is love. But I guess I was in love. I always had a thing of guys with dark hair and piercing eyes, like the eyes that cut you and melt you with one look (even now my Stephen has piercing blue eyes.
There is some part of me that wants to go back, and some part of me that is a little more hesitant about revisiting that. I've been thinking about my childhood alot, I guess it's a total quarterlife crises that I am going through. My birthday is in a couple of weeks, and I'm downright terrified. I always thought I was only going to live till the age of thirty. But it seems it might be longer than that. I've canceled all major plans for a huge birthday bash. Why? You may ask.. it's because I feel like the older I get, the less I have to prove to myself or to anyone. Maybe I'll cook some dinner for some friends who I just want over for a simple nice chat. Nothing too fancy really. I've had tons of fancy birthday parties over the years and if there was a chance to throw a huge birthday party it would've been last year. Who knows. Who cares. I've been such a party person, that maybe a little peace and quiet and maybe something a little more intimate would be best. Besides I already have the best present, a supportive and loving man at my side, two wonderful cats, and a fun party everyweek. Although maybe a nice vacation is in order for me. I was thinking an outdoor dinner, but who has a patio big enough for me to celebrate in. Low key is most definitely the key phrase, and I want to keep it that way, I can have all the other 300 people come to CHASER the tuesday after, if they really wanted to celebrate.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Yes even though my foot is totally cramp-o-licious and my face totally hurts, I am forging on! I went to Sixxteen tonight, alot of familiar faces, alot of new faces, alot of things happening, there was some sort of drag show in the back that I didn't catch, although it was great to see Princess Kennedy who now doesn't live in SF anymore! She still looks so fucking gorgeous after all these years, and fishier than ever! I guess for alot of my friends Sixxteen represented a really a crazy time in our lives, lots of drugs involved, and I don't blame them. I'm not going into it. It was a past life. I was a baby art school/nerd/fashion fag, somethings have changed, while others haven't and tonight was proof of that! Uhmm, I'm not really sure what to make of things, another place I was going to visit was the Li-Po in Chinatown, an old haunt favored by some of the most interesting parties I've seen in a while. The Li-Po is legendary and has been written about in books (both fiction and non-fiction), and in movies! It is hotter than hell inside, and even though there a pizza and buffalo wings menu thing, I do not reccomend you even trying it. The basement part of Li-Po is really cool but a total sauna, so I don't know how my drag would fare in that place. I heard through the grapevine that there is a really interesting party there on Sunday nights, and I'm really hoping that one of these days I get to stop by. You know me, I always have to be on the forefront of really interesting things!
So yes, onto Tuesday with our great show, getting all high drama up in here! I'm starting to look for songs that are on the emotional side of things! Jose Gonzales does a great cover of The Knife's Classic "Heartbeats" it is definitely worth listening to. A little monotonous, but the feeling is there. Ryan Addams did a cover of one of my all time favorite bands Oasis' "Wonderwall". There is also a David Gray cover of Marc Almonds "Say Hello Wave Goodbye" but that has already been done. I am posting the O.C. episode wher they play Ryan Addams cover of Wonderwall.
uhmm yeah, so there are tons of other songs! I am going to bed now. I can't believe I'm going to bed before 5am! So stoked! Happy Labor day darling! and stay outta trouble!
So yes, onto Tuesday with our great show, getting all high drama up in here! I'm starting to look for songs that are on the emotional side of things! Jose Gonzales does a great cover of The Knife's Classic "Heartbeats" it is definitely worth listening to. A little monotonous, but the feeling is there. Ryan Addams did a cover of one of my all time favorite bands Oasis' "Wonderwall". There is also a David Gray cover of Marc Almonds "Say Hello Wave Goodbye" but that has already been done. I am posting the O.C. episode wher they play Ryan Addams cover of Wonderwall.
uhmm yeah, so there are tons of other songs! I am going to bed now. I can't believe I'm going to bed before 5am! So stoked! Happy Labor day darling! and stay outta trouble!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
And then there was one.

What a lovely evening I've had! Even after all the exhaustion from all that shooting, I felt today was one of the most relaxing days I've had in a really long time. I was so happy that I didn't have to wear that stupid leopard print dress again today. Chaser vs. Hyp was great tonight I had a blast, it was a real treat to have such pleasant people like Philip, and Vince to work with. It's such a great event, although I have no hip hop I still made the best of it.
This tuesday is five songs that make you cry at Chaser, hosted by MuthaChucka, it should be a great show, I wish we had a strobe light though, I think that's really it for now. Im kinda pooped. I am posting this wonderful video of the ending of Six Feet Under with Sia's Breathe Me, there are really tons of songs that do make me tear up and make me incredibly emotional, but this one really gets me! I did the number once at trannyshack years ago, as a broken doll. I think I'll do it again! Who knows. Enjoy the video.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
No it's really not as dramatic as the title! I posted a promo video for the new NBC series Trauma which I have totally been filming all week with a bunch of other SF Queens! Spoiler alert, I don't die, infact I get rescued and Monistat lives to see another day! I wish I can say the same for my feet! After four grueling and extensive days of shooting scenes around the Polk Area - which I find highly ironic, and I'll tell you why later, our shoot is FINALLY FINALLY done!
I wasn't anticipating waking up at 5:00am Tuesday morning to put on drag for a 7:00am Call time. But none the less I managed to live even though I had performed at Tiara Sensation the night before. Needless to say the first day was a little retarded because I spent most of the day sitting down, standing up, sitting down, waiting, and waiting and waiting. But whatver, I had the outlook of, at least I'm getting paid to sit and be fierce! That was the same for most of the filming, it was more or less about sitting down and standing up etc. I think there was at a point I just waited for like 7 hours. It was definitely a treat for me to hang out with queens who I don't normally get to see on a normal basis, like Peggy L'Eggs, Holotta Tymes and Donna Sachet which was such a blast. And it was an even bigger treat to see Heklina almost get killed. Key word being ALMOST!
I must say even though it was completely tiring and the maxim of the ever unpredictable SF Summer Weather was really bogging me ( The first day of shooting it was about 90 Degrees Farenheit, the last day of shooting it was 54 degrees) it was most definitely a rewarding experience. I was happy with my screen time, and quite frankly the appeal of being on a professional movie set, and seeing how they did things was a treat! I love the technical aspect of it all, and had managed to wander in on the camera vans where they kept all the equipment and got to see how things really take shape. I am curious to see how they all manage to edit everything in the end. It should be quite interesting! I am thankful that Stephen has been so supportive these past few days, he has been so incredibly supportive and I am so thankful that was around to help me go through the ordeal!
On to other news, CHASER is still going strong after four months! I am not ready to throw in the towel at all, and each show seems to be some wild practice in emotional restraint! This past tuesday, I handed the reigns of the show to two of my girl-friends Chastity Belle and Honey Mahogany, in a crazy experiment of mine! I will admit I did have a slight melt down when my resident DJ called me and told me that they wanted to start the show at 11pm instead of usual 12 Midnight time slot! IM NOT MOVING times around! and then I was told through text that there were 9 numbers that night! Sleep deprived and not very lucid, I hauled ass to the EndUp to see what was really going on, it seems that the ladies handled everything well, and the show turned out to be one of the most endearing shows, and the caliber of the performers were amazing!
So tonight is CHASER vs. HYP, the team up with Club 8 on Folsom! It should be exciting, the first Chaser vs. Hyp was really great. Although I am all of a sudden not feeling like DJing, but maybe I'll just do a number and walk around be fabulous. we shall see. but who knows right? Then this tuesday at Chaser we have 5 Songs That Make You Cry, hosted by someone very dear to me, MuthaChucka! Then who knows. I am very over dragged right now!
I went trolling around for jobs online, but it seems that alot of the jobs that I want to do are not in San Francisco. I am listening to some awesome Annie Lennox right now, and that was soothing me to a soft lull. Anyway hope to see you, thanks for reading have a great morning!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
We've Got Our Obsessions!
HA! 4am again and time for me to blog. Sorry I haven't really blogged in the past two days, I tried to, even with my iPhone I somehow couldn't type all the things I wanted to say. Anyway, I am so happy the heatwave is so slowly burning off and the fog is starting to roll in again, it's not really San Francisco in the summer time if there isnt any fog to deal with! I had a total blast performing in places that I don't normally perform at! It was so refreshing to just be on stage without any pressure to do pull a bunny out of a top hat or any crazy magical moment people might have the misconception I seem to create! I had alot of fun, and feel blessed to live in a beautiful city where it is diverse enough to have tons of creative individuals doing their own thing!
Lately, this group singer named Marina & The Diamonds have been on my constant replay list for the last two weeks! I found a video for their "I Am Not A Robot" song, which I am gladly reposting here:
The great and revealing about this video is that it totally begs to be done in drag! I mean hello I've worked every
single one of those looks, and you know how much I love the fan in the hair effect! Most epescially
the all black body paint look! that gets me! I love it!
I got a part in that "Trauma" TV show casting call! They start filming on Tuesday morning at 7am which
basically means I have to start getting in drag at five am! HOW WONDERFUL! I guess! The leopard
print dress comes in handy, minimal drama, and its glamorous as all hell.
I'm also gearing up for yet another installment of CHASER vs HYP!
The last one was super incredible and tons of people showed up,
so hopefully this time around there will be more people.
Although I was a bit bummed at the treatment
I recieved at the door of the club last night.
I was there out of drag on
my way to Bjork Night at the DNA,
when apparently my name wasn't on the list as I was previously told.
BUT it didnt matter, I was going to pay the cover charge, and I didnt have a problem with paying if
the door person wasn't such an asshole. Oh well what can you do? I'll let it pass and chalk it up to experience
that maybe some people just don't have the people skills to work the door. I wasn't being a diva, if there was
an issue I wouldve been fine, I'll pay the cover, but he was a really a douche. oh well you cant win them all!
It's too bad I really do like working with Phillip and the rest of the people there. Who knows right?
Bork Night at the DNA was pretty cool haven't seen any of those people in a while
and it was great to see them all perform on such a huge stage with proper lighting etc.
I was really impressed with the pacing of the show,
and as a hostess and producer I have to remember the slightest of things like pacing!
It's really an artform.
My boyfriend bought Asparagus weeks ago, and I am only cooking it tomorrow!
First I was a little intimidaed by the whole thing.
Asparagus if not cooked right can go horribly wrong,
but thankfully I asked someone
who knew how to cook them for advice and he delivered, so I'll roast them tomorrow!
Anywho, I am super fucking exhausted, I think I'll have one last cigarette and hop into bed!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Things That Bring Joy To My Life!
It's 4am yet again, of course I will not be able to sleep for another hour or so. I am listening to "Secretly" by Skunk Anansie then probably moving on to more Bowie. Earlier this evening I went to perform at a friends benefit at El Rio. It was fun, I saw alot of people who I haven't seen in a while then went to a party in the Castro...y'know that one, on Wednesdays, you know the really insanely packed one where you can't really breathe cause theres so many goddamn people. Yes you know what I'm talking about! LOL.
Lately in an effort to keep sane I have decided to take a more proactive look at things that bring joy to my life, things to be grateful for! Like cats... my boyfriend calls his cats his landlords, because basically they do own the apartment! We are just here as their tenants. I love those two. One is a girl named Sylvia, and the other is her brother Lars. I'm sure you have seen me post up pictures of them around the house, in my wigs, in brand new fresh out of the dryer towels, in the towel closet. In the hallway! And yes they do sleep in the bed with us from time to time, and it is the cutest thing EVER!
Another thing that brings me alot of joy is FOOD! I love to eat, and I love food! All kinds of food, but more importantly I love food that is cooked good (duh). I order the same thing from the thai restaurant down the street #81 Moo Tod - Cripsy Pork! $7.95 as a rice plate and $9.95 for A la Carte! They must really know me by now seeing as I order the same thing from there almost every freaking day! Don't get me wrong, I love to cook and I love eating well, but really the crispy pork from that place is alot cheaper than what I really want to get at whole foods- so there and I don't want to wash dishes! I grew up eating really well and have a very varied appetite - so food and knowledge of cuisine is a definite way to win me over!
Hmmm letsee here...BEING CREATIVE! I love getting creative, I love thinking of ideas and ways to make things spicier - to fuck things up so to speak! Like i said two blogs ago, I do it because I love it, and not because I have to, then it doesn't become so much of a chore, but something I am really passionate about and that in turn brings good energy and hence a better time for everyone!
Oh and of course Stephen. Stephen brings me lots joy. He is the last thing I think of at night, and the first thing I think of in the morning, I can tell when he's not in bed. but thats a little more private than I care to share for now.
That's all. thank you for reading and have a great night!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
The High Road!
Sometimes, I totally just feel like clawing peoples eyes out, I really do, I am not going to lie about, I want to so badly, and in as much as I want to do that, I can't. Yesterday morning I blogged about the absolute virtues of running my tuesday night show, and I want to continue that. Tonight's show was UH may Zing. So many people came out to see some great people do their thing on stage and be themselves. I was so happy! The music was insanely amazing! I was totally blown away! I really have to count my blessings and remain grateful for the people that surround me.
With that said. I feel the need to defend myself. The Miss Grrrrl Pageant was a study in patience in understanding. I never really understood why I didn't have any problems with the drag queens of the Miss $1.98 Pageant. But after tonight, I just felt like I was getting skewered. Its hard to do a weekly show, coming up with themes, doing the fliers, promoting, dealing with egos, dealing with the anxiety of whether people will show up or not, and whether or not the night is going to be a hit. Even at the last moments before the show people had dropped out. I am thankful for the talented men and ladies that did manage to pull through and give a show. Its all people want, is a show! The difficulty in finding contestants was my first obstacle it was really difficult. But for people to say that my lack of preparation is what made the show flawed I think is terribly unfair. I do this on my own, with rarely any help from anyone week after week. I stay up late doing fliers, I do all the email blasts, with little help from anyone at all, sometimes it pains me to even ask friends on facebook to repost my events for me. Its a learning process. I have poured my heart and my soul into this show, it consumes me. I am baffled at people who come to the show with such a negative outlook. WHY even come? Why bother? I didnt force you to come? Im not forcing you to watch the show. You try doing it. Sometimes I feel that I can never win, but I guess thats what this is all about.
I'm only doing the best I can, and if that is not good enough then you can leave. I've spent alot of my earlier drag days trying to fight that insane mentality that I wasn't good enough, or I wasn't artsy enough or whatever reason, and now that I am starting to get comfortable in my own skin, I find it incredibly necessary to say what I feel. Initially I was incredibly hesitant about writing this last blog, but now its not just a necessary evil I actually feel really good about it! Tonights pageant was a success in my eyes and to the eyes of those involved who actually worked their butts off making this happen! It was fun, it was retarded and now before I go to bed, I am asking myself... where did the toblerone end up?
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Alright Already!
I know I havent been exactly up to date with blogging. It's 4:12am, and I really can't sleep at all most days now, alot of things are on my mind lately. I am happy and living a content life with a wonderful boyfriend, two wonderful cats and my party that happens on tuesday nights. I know I know I'm always promoting something or other, but I don't think alot of people realize how hard it is to do a weekly club on Tuesday nights of all things, I can only think of one other person. The past few months have been a true test of my character, who would've thought that at 25 I would be producing my own party? I don't think this is what my parents exactly envisioned for me, but whatever. Sometimes we take the path others really don't take, and to be honest with you ever since I was kid, I've never really seen myself as someone who can sit behind a desk and push buttons all day. AT LEAST now I am doing what I love, and throwing a party on my own terms. Alot of this has to do with my experiences at Trannyshack and Charlie Horse, and learning all the lessons I did! It does come in more handy now. I am slowly learning to become more diplomatic about my approach to certain situations and heed the advice of those who have come before me. The party seems to be growing and my audience seems to like what I am doing.
When the idea popped into my head about this four months ago, I really had no clue what I was doing or getting myself into. Luckily I have an insanely supportive boyfriend who sticks by me and my decisions and the support of a great team of people where I do the party at. I really wasn't gunning for a week day party, much less something that happened on a Tuesday night.
Believe me I spent many sleepless and listless nights much like tonight cowering and thinking about the party. My first thought was not a Tuesday drag show, but maybe something over the weekend. Thankfully Sydney (one of the owners of the EndUp) steered me into tuesday nights. I knew and understood the legacy of the tuesday night drag show in SF, I was part of it for a brief period of time, much less fathoming the institution that is the EndUp. So alot of this was all new to me, even though I've been part of the scene for awhile now. I just had to keep in my mind, that everything has been done already, I cannot re invent the wheel, I could not be pretentious about it and just own the fact that yes I like drag shows, and yes it is on a Tuesday night, but so what, I wasn't out to do or recreate a storied past, I just wanted to do someting I felt comfortable with and listen to the music I liked, at an environment I helped foster. And as much as I like the Stud, a) I wasn't going to do something there knowing full well the legacy of that stage and b) I wanted to start with something fresh, a clean slate if you will, with something to build MY own legacy with and not ride on the coat tales of years ago. Little did I know the insane ride I am in for!
It's such a weird conundrum, a long battle of trial and errors. And yes I still get incredibly nervous about it alot, espescially every tuesday at around 15 minutes before the show, I go nuts! Again, someting I am grateful for is the people I work with. My doormen Andres and Ivan really put up with alot from me, and DJ Dann Edmond and Guy Ruben who deal with my insanity from the DJ booth is seriously a saint, and then there are the ladies, who continue to stand by my side and keep wanting to perform at my show. I mean of course there such a bevy of creativity in the city what with the whole recession kind of forcing people to rethink their agendas since most of them are now unemployed. It's almost like back to basics.
In retrospect Chaser has been so much of a blessing to me. It gives me an outlet to be creative, and having to think on my feet constantly, it sharpens the knives so to speak. It's always trial and error, touch and go. But I am slowly building myself back up slowly. It's kind of pyschological as much as I deny it, it really is. It's a total practice in humility and turning things over, things I don't have any control of. It's daunting at times, but I just have to really keep forging on and doing what I do, not because I have to, but because I love what I'm doing. Thank you for reading
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Reality sinks in!!!!!
Wow, its been a while since I last posted, so many amazing things have been going on in my life, but somehow I do feel tres tres bittersweet about all of it! So many good, so many bad, and I am grateful for all of this experiences to truly show me who really stand by me, and those welll.... you know those kinds of other people.
I've been incredibly busy here in San Francisco, Gay Pride is coming up in about a week, and the city becomes one big insane madhouse of fun events, and I am definitely to report that I helped kick off the month of festivities with a bang! I helped coordinate an event at a contemporary arts museum here called the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, it is the culmination of six months of work, planning and hashing out ideas booking people, then people dropping out. etc. etc. but then the night of the event really blew my mind, 3,000 people showed up!!! it was massive and really really incredibly memorable! Anyway between that and starting my own drag show/nightclub on a tuesday night, I feel like my time has really been spread thin, and I obviously need to find ways to start spreading some of the responsibilities to other peeps!
But alas I have a great time behind me working with Chaser. We have an amazing resident DJ who continually works it out every week, and the thing is I just have to keep working my ass off even though my boyfriend thinks i should take a break every now and then. It's going to take time, but I'm sure I am offering some sort of avenue for other creative individuals to come hang out on a tuesday night. This Tuesday I am proud to announce that my friend Ongina will be headlining the awesome drag show. So I hope you can make it, Im sure this show will be a memorable one!
I do feel a little sheepish as of late, with so many shows coming up, I most definitely need some extreme down time. Hopefully soon, I feel like my body is just going through it! And I am happy to announce that after that insanely brief hiatus, I am going to start working on designing again! so here's crossing fingers. my lovely mood boards and portfolio etc!!! gaaah so much work so little time, inspiration comes from everything right?
anyway thats totally it for now, tune it, turn on and see you soon lover
I've been incredibly busy here in San Francisco, Gay Pride is coming up in about a week, and the city becomes one big insane madhouse of fun events, and I am definitely to report that I helped kick off the month of festivities with a bang! I helped coordinate an event at a contemporary arts museum here called the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, it is the culmination of six months of work, planning and hashing out ideas booking people, then people dropping out. etc. etc. but then the night of the event really blew my mind, 3,000 people showed up!!! it was massive and really really incredibly memorable! Anyway between that and starting my own drag show/nightclub on a tuesday night, I feel like my time has really been spread thin, and I obviously need to find ways to start spreading some of the responsibilities to other peeps!
But alas I have a great time behind me working with Chaser. We have an amazing resident DJ who continually works it out every week, and the thing is I just have to keep working my ass off even though my boyfriend thinks i should take a break every now and then. It's going to take time, but I'm sure I am offering some sort of avenue for other creative individuals to come hang out on a tuesday night. This Tuesday I am proud to announce that my friend Ongina will be headlining the awesome drag show. So I hope you can make it, Im sure this show will be a memorable one!
I do feel a little sheepish as of late, with so many shows coming up, I most definitely need some extreme down time. Hopefully soon, I feel like my body is just going through it! And I am happy to announce that after that insanely brief hiatus, I am going to start working on designing again! so here's crossing fingers. my lovely mood boards and portfolio etc!!! gaaah so much work so little time, inspiration comes from everything right?
anyway thats totally it for now, tune it, turn on and see you soon lover
Monday, May 4, 2009
How Many Dicks does "Gay Icon" Sister Roma See in One Day?
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
inspired by the recent dip in my otherwise small-ish bank account after yesterdays trip to Barneys (YOU KNOW YOU GO THERE TOO MUCH, WHEN YOU GET PHONE CALLS AND EMAILS FROM SPECIFIC SALES ASSOCIATES, AND THEY KNOW YOURE BIRTHDAY AND WHERE U GO TO SCHOOL)...
Anyways. Trust ME IN THIS.. THE SEVENTH HEART is great locally owned LGBT Business that needs your support. Unlike Jamaica which is an evil homophobic country (re: Boycott Jamaica - Meyers Rum and Red Stripe). They sell contemporary basics from American Apparel, Cheap Monday, Alternative Apparel - My Personal favorite, and Levi's. They also have some jewelry and acessories and other great little tidbits.


Anyways. Trust ME IN THIS.. THE SEVENTH HEART is great locally owned LGBT Business that needs your support. Unlike Jamaica which is an evil homophobic country (re: Boycott Jamaica - Meyers Rum and Red Stripe). They sell contemporary basics from American Apparel, Cheap Monday, Alternative Apparel - My Personal favorite, and Levi's. They also have some jewelry and acessories and other great little tidbits.


the shorts is like dual.. i can wear them with my new Balenciaga Heels or with my flip flops...
all these wonderful items can be found at:
The Seventh Heart
1592 Market Street by Franklin
SF, CA 94102
Ethylina the Icon
Full Interview with the Iconic, legendary Ethlina Canne Coming Soon... but here get a taste of her
(did the hostess just say Ethylinica? FAIL?!!?)
(letting the chirrun have it SLO)
(did the hostess just say Ethylinica? FAIL?!!?)
(letting the chirrun have it SLO)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
Et Tu Iowa?
Yes ladies and gentlemen, even Iowa has banned same sex marriage, leaving me wondering if people in California are just not having it, or did they fix the election. I hope they have horsies in Iowa or even Buffalo...SO WHY OH WHY DOES CALIFORNIA HAVE TO GO THROUGH SO MUCH BULLSHIT? I thought CA claims to be a little more liberal whilst smaller states that you would never imagine such was Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont and now Iowa? Well heres to Iowa!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Can I just say I LOVE FACEBOOK! I love the fact that I am starting to connect with friends that I havent spoken to since high school and estranged family members that are so fascinated about the fact that I am had made something out of myself wearing women's clothing and performing at stages. Now with the awesomenes of facebook comes the very popular "25 things about me" survey, that people have actually written columns and songs about it. With that said, alot of my friends are OBSESSED with taking these quizes, and one has fascinated me the most, since I, can relate to it the best: "WHICH CRAZY BITCH ARE YOU?"
I must say, I know I am a crazy bitch, I don't need anyone tell me that. Most of my friends have either ended up being Courtney Love, and by that I pity you, because when I hung out with her when I was down south, she was really fucking insane, nothing you see on TV or what you hear of, is comparable to the force of nature that Courtney Love is LIVE!
But there are so many other amazingly genius crazy bitches out there. Some are notorious, some are artsy, and some are genius... I am attaching my favorite crazy bitches
Courtney Love

Juliette Lewis as Carla Tate on "The Other Sister"

Aileen Wuornos:

Nicole Kidman as Diane Arbus:

and of course... ME!!!!!!!!!
I must say, I know I am a crazy bitch, I don't need anyone tell me that. Most of my friends have either ended up being Courtney Love, and by that I pity you, because when I hung out with her when I was down south, she was really fucking insane, nothing you see on TV or what you hear of, is comparable to the force of nature that Courtney Love is LIVE!
But there are so many other amazingly genius crazy bitches out there. Some are notorious, some are artsy, and some are genius... I am attaching my favorite crazy bitches
Courtney Love

Juliette Lewis as Carla Tate on "The Other Sister"

Aileen Wuornos:

Nicole Kidman as Diane Arbus:

and of course... ME!!!!!!!!!

I have lesbian parents, both are filipino. this could happen to them :( it puts a very real face on the fight for equality. Sorry it just hit me really hard.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Oh Here is the link to the article from The Advocate ( http://www.advocate.com/news_detail_ektid77092.asp )
barbie girl - Aqua
Waterloo - ABBA
Lovefool - The Cardigans
Heartbeats - The Knife
Oh Here is the link to the article from The Advocate ( http://www.advocate.com/news_detail_ektid77092.asp )
barbie girl - Aqua
Waterloo - ABBA
Lovefool - The Cardigans
Heartbeats - The Knife
Gay Marriage,
Hot Art Teachers,
Swedish Meatballs,
The Cardigans,
The Knife
There is absolutely nothing, NOTHING, hateful I have to say about this next retarded whore, simply put, I adore her. But im not sure she's all there. Maybe she's like Anna Nicole Smith exept skinnier and with better acting skillz, but Bai Ling is GOLD!! GOLD I TELL YOU. From slurry interviews, to "so you think you can sing" and other amazing acts. she wins todays Retarded Whore, because really. she is JUST a retarded whore!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Late 90s. I was 15. I was very very very into alot of things. This band was still called the Yeah Yeah Distillers, and the front woman had me mesmerized ever since. 10 years later. I got to meet her, and hang out and film a new music video with Karen O. I gag. I die. I worship at her Altar! This songs from this album helped define my teenage years. BOW DOWN!!!
Do I really need to say anything more about this thing? She took lesbianism and made a joke out of it. Hypocrite of all hypocrites she started off as a Christian Pop singer. I cannot hate on another attention whore. but really, she is just a bit much. In 2007 she had this retarded single called "Ur So Gay" which I actually found kind of offensive. then she followed that wonderful little ditty up with "I Kissed A Girl" OKAY total rip off of the 1995 Jill Sobule single of the same title (which btw I shot a video of, and its somewhere in my blog). But Jill Sobule is an actual lesbian, and Katy Perry is mocking the dykes. For all that and the worse fashion choices, AND attempting to sing Madonna with fucking Travis Barker and DJAM at the MTV music Awards... SHE WINS Todays Retarded Whore!

Honey, it is NEVER a bad thing to help out your fellow gay. Sometimes our sisters need that extra little push. In this time of extreme selfishness, there are a few beacon of hopes. It usually has to start with some freak...remember freaks started the stonewall riot when Marsha P. Johnson and her girls started throwin them bricks (too bad she was found in the river), and freaks will continue to lead the fight to the end. But whateve mares, go and be selfish. this freak is not asking for alot... just a little push to help her walk for AIDS in NYC - (im doing the Aids walk to the bathroom right now).. ANYWAY check out her pictures, im posting the link to donate... and help a bitch out.


THE KIND THEY SELL AT SWANS ON POLK OR THE FERRY BUILDING.. you know the kind that smells good and costs like ten thousand dollars a pound and must be cooked precisely or else..One of my all time favorites! She is letting you have it in this picture.. (even though she is much older now, and doesnt wear as much slutty things as she used to) She almost won retarded whore of the day... check the hog out http://www.juanitamore.com

Monday, March 30, 2009

Jonathan Chang,
Julia Roberts,
Steel Magnolia
Okay, I am going to wax poetic about my love of the drop crotch pants! I know I know, you must hate me, but today during an insane trip to Barneys, I was tres inspired by the new Chloe Lurex drop crotch/harem pants, they were drawstring, they were Lurex and they were to die for. I guess this whole trend started two or three seasons ago. Now, alot of people may disagree that a drag queen that wears pants is not a flawed drag queen. But Pants are hot, if wore the right way! So here I'm posting some of my favorite drop crotch/harem pants look... I gag!!!

I was nine years old and living in a tiny little island called Guam.. we had a 8.2 Earthquake. I wanna see you queens go crazy through that. My whole family thought we were honestly going to die and the earth was going split in half underneath us....4.4? really? that is nothing.... so in honor of the queens that went wild over a 4.4 IM posting this classic starring MAJOR Republican ASSHOLE CHARLTON HESTON, and the gorgeous VICTORIA PRINCIPLE
Charlton Heston,
Nazi fuck,
Victoria Principle
The original Fergie was Sarah Ferguson the Duchess of York, she was plump, she was ugly, but goddamit you had to love the bitch after doing Weight Watchers! THIS FERGIE I am talking about is just another retarded whore. She pees in her pants, and she sings about her lady lumps, her lumps her lumps her lumps. OVER IT!!! Bad Fashion Choices and inability to control her bladder wins her the retarded whore of the day 

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